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Literary Notices

Cheap Jewish Library, dedicated to the Working Classes, Nos. 1-9.

Under the above unpretending title there have appeared lately in England short moral stories, based upon Jewish life and manners, at the extreme low price of one penny or two pence per number. The object of the authors is to supply the labouring classes of our people with such reading, conveyed in the form of domestic stories, as must impress itself deeply on the mind, and produce ultimately wholesome results. Without being strictly doctrinal in their tendency, all the above stories contain some illustration of Jewish ideas and habits, love of God and brotherly affection are the legitimate result of a firm adherence to the Jewish religion, and that no one need fly to any other system for those consolations in afflictions and support in joys to which the human heart so gladly clings. It is probably that we may transfer one of these tales to our pages; in the meantime we would be glad could means be devised to have the whole published here for general circulation, as we doubt not that the effect would be precisely what the benevolent authors of these tracts, who are unknown to us, intend.

Three Letters, humbly addressed to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, on the inexpediency and futility of any attempt to convert the Jews to the Christian Faith, in the way and manner hitherto practised. Being a General Discussion of the whole Jewish Question, by the Rev. John Oxlee, Rector of Molesworth, Hunts. London, pp. 95.

We received the above pamphlet from Mr. J. R. Paynado, of Hackney, England, (to whom we return our thanks for his kindness) too late for an extended review for our present number. We at first thought of republishing the work entire; but upon reflection we have thought it best to give a liberal synopsis thereof at the earliest possible opportunity. It is certainly a curious production, and deserves more than a passing notice, not alone on account of the learning displayed by the reverend author, as for the bold stand he takes against the system which has been so much patronized in England, of bringing the Jews to Christianity by an appeal to them to forsake the Mosaic Law.

The Sacred Scriptures in Hebrew and English; a New Translation, with Notes Critical and Explanatory, by the Rev. D. A. De Sola, J. L. Lindenthal, and Rev. Dr. Morris J. Raphall. London, by Samuel Bagster & Sons; Parts 1 & 2; pages about 450.

We truly regret that we received the above work too late for review in this number. We can merely state that it has proceeded to the end of the 36th chapter of Genesis, and that it promises to be a very voluminous undertaking. The agent for the work in this country is the Rev. S. M. Isaacs of New York, and it is sold at two dollars each part. The typography and paper are really beautiful.

We likewise have received a pamphlet called:

Prophecy Interpreted, Literally or Spiritually, or the Millenists and Millenarian Views of Scripture Interpretation; Baltimore, pages 74.

The subject is evidently one in which our readers have no immediate interest; we must therefore be excused for not giving an extensive notice of the work.