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At an election held at St. Louis, Missouri, the following gentlemen were elected officers of the congregation for the ensuing year:

H. H. Cohen, President; David Levison, Treasurer; and Henry Harris, S. Mandelbaum, and Joseph Kohn, Managers.

At an election held at St. Thomas, on the 11th of August, the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year:

F. D. Petit, President; J. H. Ozorio, Vice-President; J. M. Monsanto, Treasurer; and D. M. Monsanto, Jb. Pretto, Dr. D. Pretto and Isaac Levi, Wardens.

At an election held at the vestry-room of the congregation Bnai Jeshurun in New York, the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year:

Morland Micholl, President; A. Mitchell, L. Symonds, T. A. Myer, Abraham Jackson, and H. J. Hart, Trustees.
