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Literary Notices


Kos Yeshuoth, Cup of Salvation; monthly Jewish Orthodox magazine, edited by the Rev. D. M. Isaacs, and Mr. Moses Samuel, Vol. 1. No. 1, March 5606, A. M., Liverpool, 48 p. 8vo. Just as we were preparing the last sheet of our present number for press, we received the first number of the new Jewish monthly magazine, announced some time ago both by advertisement and notice in our pages. The title fully explains the object of the learned editors, which is, to diffuse knowledge respecting the true orthodox principles of our religion. The contents of the number before us are: 1. Address to our Brethren of the House of Israel; 2. Lecture on Truth, by the Rev. D. M. Isaacs ; 3. Monosyllable roots, intended to prove the original form of all Hebrew roots to have consisted of but one syllable; 4. and 5. Stanzas, by E. L. S.; 6. Talmudical morality; 7. and 8. Hebrew poetry, with English translations; 9. Aid to poor Israelites; 10. On the necessity of Understanding our Prayers; 11. On the establishment of Normal Schools for Teachers; 12. The Daughters or Israel, Hebrew, with English translation; 13. The Three Friends, from the French of Ben Levi; 14. Liverpool Literary Hebraic Association; 15. Good Sayings from good Authors; 16. Foreign Intelligence. We find our space too much occupied this month to give any detailed opinion upon this new applicant for public favour; but we hope that the editors may be enabled to supply such materials as the Israelites require, and that they may meet with adequate support in their laborious undertaking. We mean to give the work a candid review when it has progressed farther. In the mean time we call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Rev. S. M. Isaacs on the cover; and we offer ourself to act as agent for Philadelphia, and should be happy to send some names to the list of subscribers.

Dias’ Letters. The Rev. H. Highton, of Rugby, England, has commenced a review of Mr. Dias’ Letters in the Voice of Israel, conversion paper; but as he has merely commenced, and not yet come to the principal points in dispute, we defer a reply to a later period. In the mean while we thank the reverend gentleman for his candour in approving of our giving currency to this excellent work, which has so long lain dormant.