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Philadelphia.—We are requested to state that a large number of the members of the Hebrew Ladies’ Sewing Society have presented Miss <<467>>L. B. Hart, late first Directress of that excellent charity, with a beautiful card-basket, as a testimonial of their respect and the high appreciation they entertain of her services, from the commencement of that institution till her retiring from an office which she had filled so much to the general satisfaction both of the recipients of the charity and the members of the society.

New York.—The Hebrew Benevolent Society of the city of New York celebrated its twenty-sixth anniversary on the 9th of November, by a public dinner. The President, M. M. Noah, Esq., presided, assisted by the several Vice-Presidents of the Society. The preliminary blessing was given by the Rev. Ansel Leo, of the Elm Street Synagogue; after which the company partook of the viands which had been prepared for the festivities of the day. The Rev. J. J. Lyons, of the Crosby Street Synagogue, returned the grace after meat, in a beautiful and effective manner, which over, the regular toasts were given out. Speeches were made, during the evening, by Messrs. Jonas B. Phillips, Warren, and Henry H. Morange, the latter a student of law, who, we are assured, displayed in the effort then made, considerable power of eloquence. The President and Rev. Mr. Lyons also addressed the assembly. The collection was over $2000. In the above brief sketch, we have given all the particulars of the agreeable annual reunion in New York, which generally elicits a good deal of talent, whilst it affords ample opportunity for a display of charity.

Augusta, Ga.—At the last meeting of the congregation Bnai Israel, at Augusta, Georgia, the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year: John J. Cohen, President; Samuel Levy, Vice-President; M. Schiller, Treasurer; and Thomas J. Moïse, Secretary.

New Orleans.—We are requested by Mr. S. Magner, Secretary of the Hebrew Benevolent Society of New Orleans, to acknowledge the receipt of the following amounts, sent to the Board, for the relief of the sick with the yellow fever, and in aid of the funds of the Society. To wit: ten dollars from Mr. David Salomon, of Mobile; ten dollars from Mr. Morris Woolf, of New York; ten dollars from Mr. Henry Simons, of do.; one hundred dollars, collected by the same; one hundred dollars from Mr Henry Goldsmith, in behalf of the Hebrew Benevolent Society of New York; fifty dollars from the same, in behalf of the congregation Bnai Jeshurun, of New York; and sixty-one dollars, collected by Mr. L. Haas, of do.—We also subjoin a list of the Israelites who died by the late epidemic in New Orleans, as copied from the New Orleans National, which, as will be found, embraces forty-three names, <<468>>although the interments in the Jewish Burying Ground are stated at forty-four. Perhaps the remaining one is the late Jacob Emanuel, whose death was already announced in our October number. There was at one time a report current, that two hundred Israelites had fallen victims to the yellow fever. We lent no credence to this exaggerated account, and are happy that, fearful as has been the mortality, it has not been greater, through the mercy of a kind Providence, than we now find it to have been. August 9th, Moses Herzo Henine, Janet Goodman; 15th, Moses Lobe (boy), Mayer Cristian, Caroline Fatsl; 16th, Mrs. Godshult; 18th, M. Cohen, Lehman Blum, Marcus Lederierer; 20th, Isaac Kahn; 21st, Morris Katz; 22d, Babet Block; 23d, Moses Fleishman, Jacob Fais, Joseph Gotshall; 24th, Karl Koffman, Heiman Lehman; 26th, Samuel Wertheim; 27th, H. Serf; 28th, Mr. Aaron, Julia Lebistina; 29th, Cecile Dreyfous; 31st, Sarah Leopold, —— Gottlieb (infant), Mrs. Joseph; September 2d, Surman Hoffman; 2d, Abraham Rogogenske, Benjamin Brahan; 4th, Adela Kohn, Morris Henry; 6th, Alexander Speir, Jacob Wolfe; 7th, Herman Goldman, Mayer Levy, Marks Cohen, B. Achsteyn; 8th, H. Weinstein, Hannah Wolfe; 9th, Adolphe Goldsmith; 10th, Sophy Turk; 11th, J. Brady; 12th, Aaron Lehman, Simon Rosinel. If we might judge, we should say that there were some typographical errors in the names, as printed; at all events, such as it is, the list will tend to tranquillize the apprehension of many, who, from want of more direct information, might otherwise fear that some of those dear to them have been numbered with the dead. If any other accounts should reach us, we will give them publicity hereafter.

Baltimore.—We learn, in general terms, that the sale of the Mitzvote has been abolished in the Synagogue at Baltimore; the particulars of this measure of good progress have not reached us.

Civil Elevation of Jews.—Letters from Tunis of the 4th ult. announce, that Mr. Albert Cohen, who lately visited Algeria for the purpose of devising means of improving the condition of the Israelites, had arrived in Tunis, and had an interview with the Bey. The facility with which Mr. Cohen speaks Arabic, enabled him to converse a long time with the Bey. The Bey replied—“With the assistance of God, I promise you to do everything in my power for the Israelites in my kingdom. It is my sincere wish that they may be placed on the same footing as their co-religionists of France. In the mean time, I give you full power to act as you think proper.” The Israelites form about one-twentieth part of the population of Tunis, and their condition is wretched the extreme.—N. Y. Com. Adv.