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New York Bachelors’ Heb. B. L. Association


We know not that we can bring the good intention and the scope of this new society, of which we spoke last month, better before our readers, than by inserting the following letters, one of which was addressed to our friend, the Rev. S. M. Isaacs, of New York, in which also a deserved compliment was paid to his usefulness and solicitude for the public welfare. The other <<552>>was addressed to us, to confer on us the honour of membership, in which, at the same time, the committee explained at length, the object of their association. It is only for this reason that we make it public, as a piece of the history of the day.

New York, Jan. 12, 1848.

Dear Sir,

Having been instructed to forward to you a portion of the minutes of our last meeting, held at the Howard House on Monday evening, the 10th inst., I do so with feelings of sincere pleasure, assuring you that it is gratifying to us to find our labours in the cause of charity has found so warm a supporter, in one so able and capable of judging its merits as yourself.

Referring you to the minutes subjoined, and with best wishes and welfare of yourself and family,

I remain, dear Sir,
Yours obediently,
Geo. Godfrey

To the Rev. S. M. Isaacs,
Pastor of the “Gates of Prayer,” New York.

Portion of minutes of the Bachelors’ Hebrew B. L. Association.

The committee on correspondence having read the communication from the Rev. S. M. Isaacs, accepting honorary membership, with a donation enclosed, it was received with reiterated applause, when the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be tendered to the Rev. S. M. Isaacs for the liberal donation, and handsome manner in which the same was communicated;—that his name be enrolled on our list of Honorary members, and that his letter be noted on the minutes of this meeting, and be preserved as a tribute from one whose talents and experience must and will ever command the admiration of his co-religionists, and be referred to in after times, to spur us on to the achievement of the good work now in its infancy. That we thankfully receive him in our association, and shall endeavour, by assiduous care, energy, and attention, to render this Institution worthy of so noble a support.

Resolved, That the Honorary Secretary send a copy of these minutes to the Rev. S. M. Isaacs, with a notice of his enrolment;

By order,

 L. M. Morrison, President.

Geo. Godfrey,  Hon. Sec.

<<553>> New York, January 3d, 1848.


At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the. Bachelors’ Hebrew Benevolent Loan Association, of the City of New York, held Dec. 22d, 1847, you were unanimously elected an honorary member. The pleasant duty has devolved upon us to inform you of the above.

The objects of the association are self-evident; its title bespeaks the purpose for which it was formed. Our city can boast of several benevolent institutions, whose charities are devoted exclusively to Israelites; but there are none organized on the principles of the Bachelors’ Hebrew Benevolent Loan Association. The funds of the association, which are to be collected in various ways, are to be loaned in small amounts to needy and worthy emigrants and others, who, thrown penniless on our shores, and seeking shelter under the extended wings of our protecting Eagle from the persecutions and tyranny of the old country, are willing to work, were the means furnished them.

An institution formed on the above plan, can and will eventually be productive of more good, than a society merely dispensing charity. We are not, at the same time, confined exclusively to loans; but when there is immediate want, when poverty has suddenly stricken down the strong man in his strength, when the widow is left alone to combat the storms of adversity, or orphans, the cold charities of the world, then do we step forward and administer to their wants.

But our objects are wider. Recipients of charity spend the small pittance which is meted out to them, and when their means are expended, they are again compelled to seek assistance. The Bachelors’ Hebrew Benevolent Loan Association, intend to loan to industrious persons, whose means are scanty, the necessary funds wherewith to commence business, or purchase tools for any particular trade. Knowing the obligation they are under of returning the money loaned them, and feeling that upon their exertion depend the means of gaining a livelihood, it acts like a spur to their ambition, and eventually leads to independence, and often to the foundation of a fortune. Those who have partaken  of its bounty, will in their turn become its most strenuous supporters, and thus this society, though it may for a time be tossed on the waves of contention, will and must become the polar star to the worthy and industrious poor.

We have flung our banner to the winds, with the soul-inspiring words “Never despair” emblazoned on it; and fanned by the favouring breeze of prosperity, like the beacon-light to the shipwrecked mariner, it will guide the worthy and industrious poor the way to the harbour of safety.

<<554>>Having in a hasty manner explained to you the objects of the association, we respectfully tender you an honorary membership, hoping that you will do us the honour of acceptance; trusting that you will excuse this trespass upon your time, and soliciting an early reply,

We remain, my dear sir, your obedient and humble servants,

D. N. Morange,
Barrah Seligman,
Benj. J. Hart,

To the Rev. Isaac Leeser,
Editor of The Occident, Philadelphia.

(To be continued.)