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Directress’s Report of the Hebrew Ladies’ United Sewing  Society of Cincinnati


Ladies,—You are here assembled in conformity with the prescribed rules of our society. I designed calling you together at an earlier period, but the extreme inclemency of the weather, and sickness prevailing in the immediate vicinity of our usual place of meeting, deterred me from accomplishing my purpose.

One year has just elapsed, since the organization of the Hebrew Ladies’ United Sewing Society, and with it expires the term of service with which you honoured me. It is a source of high gratification to me, in being able to report to you, even within this short space of its existence, the success we have, by our united exertions, thus far attained, as well as the hopes offered for its future prosperity.

We have laboured sedulously together, and encountered difficulties which are but the natural consequences attending all similar institutions, in their origin. To nothing but your unremitting aid, with hearts and hands ever open in response to the call of charity, are to be attributed all the good we have thus far accomplished. Whilst I am disposed to accord to you the praise that such meritorious deeds deserve, let me not forget to award the thanks of this society to those gentlemen, who have so liberally bestowed their assistance, in facilitating us in our noble work. I might say more on this occasion, but any farther expression of zeal on my part, or any language I could use in urging your continuing your fostering care over the future destinies of this society, would be entirely unnecessary and uncalled for.

<<555>>In conclusion, allow me to submit the report hereto annexed.

In addition to the following Cash Report, we have received donations in merchandise to the amount of $25.62; from which, together with the purchases for the cash received as shown in report, we have made 173 pieces, and disposed of 117 pieces, leaving 56 pieces on hand; together with cash $29.64, as in following report.

Eliza Moss, Treasurer, in account with the H. L. U. S. Society.


Cash Receipts

Subscriptions, $61.12
Donation of the L. H. B. Society, 25.00
Individual donations, 5.00


Cash Disbursements

For sundry merchandise,


Cash remaining in hands of the Treasurer,



Eliza Moss, Treasurer

Cincinnati, Dec. 19, 1847

The election for officers for the current year having been held, the following ladies were duly re-elected: Mrs. E. Mayer, Directress; Mrs. E. Moss, Treasurer; Mrs. R. Joseph, and Mrs. R. Symonds, Managers; Miss H. Mayer, Secretary.