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Of the Children of the Society for Instruction of Jewish Doctrines, at Charleston, S.C.

(Concluded from page 265.)

But such dangers are certainly avoided by our receiving a Jewish religious education in youth; for there are inculcated within us sentiments of piety and fear of the Lord—we are led to read the word of God, and through this become conversant with the history of our nation, and the beautiful prophecies in reference to our final redemption. There are implanted within us feelings of reverence and adoration of the Lord for his manifold benefits, bestowed on us as a nation, and we naturally conceive that the Jew ought to feel happy of his being of the seed of Abraham, the chosen one of God, through whom religion is to be promulgated over the face of the whole earth. Such feelings once ingrafted within our hearts, neither snares nor temptations will ever be able to erase them, and misguide us from the path of Judaism.

To you, respected president and kind teachers, through whose religious zeal and pious perseverance this institution is in such a prosperous condition, I would fain express my heartfelt gratitude for the forbearance you have exercised towards me while under your charge, the kind manner in which you have taught me the word of God, and the patience with which you instilled within me sentiments of piety and devotion. Believe me, when I assure you that your names shall ever be engraven upon my heart, and that the doctrines and religious tenets which you have so piously impressed upon my mind shall ever remain fresh and verdant within me; and time shall prove that the noble seed so liberally strewn has been bestowed on fertile soil. Thanks you require not from me; yet, were I to attempt offering you the same, I should fall far short in words: therefore, kind ladies, I will say no more; but this I promise you, that my future actions shall bear testimony of my present feelings.

And now permit me to say a few parting words to my fellow-pupils, who, like me, are here taught the word of God, and kindly led into the path of righteousness. You will surely bear in mind that this institution has been established for our sole benefit, and that it is our duty to show ourselves in return grateful for it, not only in studying eagerly those precious lessons given to us by our kind teachers, and reflecting maturely on them, but more so to convince them by our behaviour that they have not been lost on us. I am sure there is not one among us who does not feel proud of being an Israelite—not one who will bring discredit on this institution, or who in future life will look back with regret on the time when under the tuition of our kind president and teachers. Therefore, my friends, let us unitedly thank the Almighty for His mercy and goodness towards us, and let us pray that he may shower his blessings on this school, its founders and teachers, and prolong its existence for the benefit of the latest generations.