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Philadelphia.—The Tenth Annual Examination of the Sunday School at Philadelphia took place as usual on the Sunday after Purim, the 26th of March, at the Portuguese Synagogue. The exercises were as on former occasions, and the scholars acquitted themselves with great credit, exhibiting both a knowledge of their lessons and a thorough understanding of the subjects taught them during the year. The number of the attendants is about the former average, considerably exceeding one hundred, and it is extremely gratifying, that in the absence of a proper day school there is this institution open to all to obtain some knowledge of our religion. The superintendent in her report expressed a hope that as several teachers have left from time to time, and the classes being thus not sufficiently provided, many young ladies would come forward to share in this interesting labour; and we sincerely hope that her request so earnestly made will be responded to in a proper spirit. It is a pleasing fact that some of the teachers, and these not the least active, have originally been scholars, in preceding years; and it is a proof that the instruction bestowed has not been in vain. The superintendent also stated that a fund had gradually accumulated from the savings of the annual voluntary contributions and donations, which <<106>>has been invested in $1000 Pennsylvania State five per cent. loan, and placed in the hands of Messrs. H. Gratz and M. Hart, as trustees; thus securing the institution a sufficient fund to secure its permanence, aided as it always will be by the liberality of the Israelites of our city. The collections at the last exhibition amounted to nearly one hundred dollars. The premiums, which were pretty liberally distributed, consisted for the most part of the various works published by the American Jewish Publication Society, and no fear therefore could be entertained that the presents made to the children would scatter among them anti-Jewish sentiments. We cannot close without expressing our regret at the absence of many parents of scholars and other individuals who ought to display a becoming interest in the cause of religious education. There is an encouragement due to those who labour so faithfully for the good of Israel, and this is best given by the presence and evident approval of their exertions by those competent to form a correct judgment. There is too much lukewarmness among us, too little appreciation of the real value of our glorious religion and its blessed influences on society, and hence those who readily labour and work with becoming zeal, feel at times disheartened at the apparent want of zeal in others. We hope that our benevolent ladies who deserve so well of Israel for their zealous exertions in the cause of education, will on future occasions be cheered by a larger audience, and that they may then feel that their gratuitous labour of love is appreciated by those for whose benefit it is exerted.

New York .—Synagogue Shaaray Tefilla.—This beautiful building was considerably damaged by fire on the second night of the Passover, to the amount probably of six thousand dollars. But as the congregation had effected an insurance for a much larger amount in three different companies, the loss will result merely in a temporary inconvenience; they worship in the meantime in a large basement room under the main building, which was from the first fitted up in a neat manner for worship during the week days. It affords us pleasure to accord just praise to the firemen of New York, who, finding that the houses in which the conflagration commenced were beyond the power of human exertion to be saved from the flames, applied themselves with assiduity and success to save “the church” from destruction; and with the help of Heaven they succeeded. The Shamas, who exerted himself greatly to save the Sepharim, &c., lost much of of his furniture, &c., but it has already been made good to him by the liberality of the members.

The Immanuel Congregation of New York, under the charge of Rev. Dr. Merzbacher, consecrated their New Synagogue on the Sabbath <<107>>before the Passover (שבת הגדול); we had an invitation, but were unable to attend; we expected a full account of the proceedings, together with a description of the Synagogue, but up to the moment of going to press we have not been favoured with either, and we are obliged to be satisfied with the simple announcement that another new building has been devoted to the service of Israel’s God in the metropolis of the West.

Congregation Beth Jaacob of Albany.—This congregation, not under the charge of the Rev. Dr. Wise, were to consecrate a new Synagogue on Sabbath Acharay Moth. The Rev. S. M. Isaacs of New York was invited to conduct the ceremonies. Perhaps we may have some particulars in our next.

Columbia, S. C.—On the 26th of March, the Sunday School at the capital of South Carolina held a public examination, and from the report in one of the local papers it appears that the exhibition was extremely gratifying to all concerned. We have received no especial report frorn any of our friends in that place; this brief notice must therefore suffice for the present.

New Orleans.—The Hebrew Benevolent Association of New Orleans, held their annual election on the 26th of March, when the following persons were duly elected:—A. Emanuel, President; M. Kursheedt, Vice-President; David Sanger, Treasurer; Leopold Cohn, Secretary and S. Magner, A. Harber, E. Jacobs, G. G. Levi and N. Worms, Managers. The anniversary ball, (for which we received a ticket of invitation,) for the benefit of the Society, took place on the evening of the 20th of March, and it was numerously attended; many distinguished citizens and dignitaries of the state being likewise present. It passed off to the entire satisfaction of all, and much praise is due to the committee of arrangement, for the manner in which the whole was conducted. But it is really a matter of congratulation that the result in favour of the charity was all that could be expected, the net proceeds amounting to seven hundred dollars; which will in a measure replenish the exhausted treasury, the Society having expended, chiefly on account of the fearful epidemic last summer, fifteen hundred dollars during the last year.

Europe.—As so much interest is now felt about what is going forward in Europe, and the question being frequently asked “How will it affect the Israelites?” we lay before our readers the following, from our friend Mr. Solis, who is now in Europe. Of course it is all yet doubt and uncertainty as regards the future; but the letter is by the latest mail from England.<<108>>

London, 7th April, 1848.

Rev. I. Leeser, 

Dear Sir,—Although the Continent is all on the qui vive, here things drag their slow length along, The Jewish Disabilities Bill passed through the committee of the whole house, on the 3d inst, with some little opposition, but without alteration, and will come up for its final passage on Monday next.

It is to be seen whether the earthquake in Europe has awakened the House of Lords to that proper respect to the rights of the whole people as will insure its passage through their chamber, or whether they will wait until the shock comes home to them, before they will grant this tardy justice. Surely they must have great dread of the capability of those they pretend to despise, as to think the admission of such an insignificant few, as the Jewish representation could ever be, would put their civil and social system in jeopardy.

In the absence of any thing of interest here, I will give you a few gleanings from the continental papers.

It seems in many places, that though the people wish for, and claim, the widest liberty for themselves, they still wish to exclude the Israelites from the full enjoyment of that blessing: and that freedom to our oppressed race must be delayed until the Christian population becomes more enlightened. At Pressburg (Hungary), on the 22d March, the Israelites were subjected to all the horrors of the dark ages, upon their insisting on their right of entering the National Guard: the Senate nobly supported them in their demands; but the Burger Guard were at last obliged to issue a proclamation, stating that in order to prevent further excitement, the admission of the Israelites into the National Guard is suspended until the laws on this point shall have changed.

A second proclamation stated, that the Jews had, of their own accord, quitted the ranks of the National Guard. In another place, bands of people had been robbing the rich Jews and nobility. The proclamation says:

“The law relative to the Jews is liberal, yet moderate; on the fundamental principle equal rights are expressed, without which the welfare of the country cannot be consolidated; but the practical working of these laws cannot be carried out until the Christians are emancipated from their civic rantings and prejudices, and the Jews, on the other hand, shall have rendered themselves worthy of their equalization by moral improvement.”—The German Jew inhabitants of Posen, imitating the conduct of their Polish brethren, have formed an association for the maintenance of public order and tranquility. The new King of Bavaria has promised, in his first speech, laws for ameliorating the condition of the Jews; and the King of Prussia, laws of equal representation, without any reference to religious opinions. In the Papal States the Israelites have freely joined the bands of volunteers now forming.

The Diet at Frankfort assembled for the purpose of forming a representative body for the various principalities and kingdoms of Germany, have determined that there shall be no religious or property qualification; but that every citizen, without any distinction whatever, shall be considered qualified for an elector or a representative. Thus, whilst we see the governments and rulers on the Continent ready to admit, and freely to offer, full rights of citizenship to those of our faith, and only restrained from carrying out their intentions at once, to the fullest extent of justice, by the clamour and bigotry of the ignorant classes—here, where no such opposition is offered, and where the middle and lower classes look upon the Israelites more as benefactors than otherwise, and would rejoice were their sphere of usefulness extended, the measure of civil emancipation is kept in abeyance by the nightmare apprehensions of that house who are legislators by “divine right.”

The Piedmontese Journal of the 1st inst. contains a decree of the Provisional Government of Milan, investing the Jews with full political and civil rights. The question of marriage will be regulated by a future law. Thus progresses the enfranchisement of our people. Should I leave for Germany, I will write you from thence.