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Relief For Palestine.—We deem it a pleasure to record a worthy commencement made in New York to aid the distressed Israelites of Palestine in a substantial and feasible manner, by an annual congregational succour; which, with the aid to be expected from the various societies lately established, will go far to do away with the propriety of sending our messengers hereafter to collect personally for the poor of the Holy Land. We hope that all the congregations in America will follow the example so worthily set them by the oldest Jewish community in the country.

New York, 11th Tamuz, 5609, [1849.]

At a meeting of the Trustees of the congregation "Shearith Israel," the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:

"Whereas the poor of the Holy Land among our brethren have always been objects of solicitude and attachment among the pious of our faith throughout the world, and their support is a duty which devolves on Jews and which never should be neglected;

"And, whereas the custom of sending messengers from the Holy Land to collect charity is attended with great expense, and sometimes with great difficulty in relation to the distribution of the funds collected, therefore,

"Resolved, That this congregation, entertaining such views, do hereby appropriate an annual sum of $25, commencing the 1st of July, 1850, towards the support of all poor Jews in the Holy Land, and by this mode avoid hereafter the recognition of any messenger. And to inform the Jewish authorities of the course we have adopted.

"Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing be transmitted to the Parnass and Board of Trustees of all the congregations in this city for their consideration and action, in advancement of a measure of so much interest to our people generally."—Extract from the Minutes.

N Phillips, Clerk.

N. B.—The Parnass of this congregation, (Samuel Lazarus, Esq.,) is willing to receive any donations from congregations or individuals in the furtherance of this benevolent object, and will transmit the same to its proper destination.

Bohemian Israelites in Wisconsin.—We learn from a reliable source that a number of highly respectable families have just arrived in New York from Bohemia, to form a colony in Wisconsin. There have been for several years past many families from the same country in the neighbourhood of Milwaukee; but the present party, we hear, <<331>>mean to establish a congregation at once; and they came provided, as it is said, with teachers and other necessary officers to carry their intentions into effect. We hope to receive in a few months some more particulars of this enterprise, when we will communicate it to our readers. In the mean time, we wish the colonists all possible success.

Cleveland.—Education is the best evidence of the progress of a community, especially if it is a Jewish one; wherefore we are gratified in being able to state that the Israelites at Cleveland have not been unmindful of what is incumbent on them in this respect. Already in '44, one and a half years before their Synagogue was built, their school was commenced, when they numbered only about forty contributing members, most of them poor and new emigrants from Germany. It contained at its commencement twenty-two scholars, from four to seven years of age. They were instructed in Hebrew and German reading and writing, translating the prayers and the Torah, and in Jewish writing and reading, together with exercises in the catechism. In the third year the scholars amounted to fifty-six, and at present the school contains sixty-eight pupils, thirteen of whom have learnt to translate Genesis, and eighteen others have made some progress in translating the principal part of the prayers, and can answer a number of questions in Ben Sev Yesoday Haddath. The five oldest boys know the principal rules of the Hebrew grammar, and are partially through with the verbs, not a mean thing in the acquisition of the sacred language. Lately, also, the congregation engaged an English teacher, to act in conjunction with Mr. Asher Lehman, the Hebrew master; so that the children can now attend school regularly, as they need not go elsewhere to learn the necessary rudiments of education. The school is kept in the basement of the Synagogue. An examination was held some weeks since, in the presence of the most distinguished Christian citizens; and, as we learn, the papers expressed much satisfaction with both teachers and scholars. We should judge, from the whole history of the school, that too much praise cannot be awarded to Mr. Asher Lehman for his perseverance in his arduous labours, amidst all the discouragements of a very limited salary in the first place, and other difficulties. But Israelites know how to overcome obstacles; and so we wish him and his school much and increasing success.

Montreal.—We extract the following from a letter lately received: "You will no doubt be as gratified to learn, as I am to write you, that our highly esteemed and talented coreligionist, Dr. A. H. David, has been honoured with the appointment of Secretary to the Central Board <<332>>of Health, in Canada. When we consider that this is the only lucrative appointment in the Board, and recollect the varied qualifications required for such an office, we must be satisfied that the selection is as flattering to the abilities of the appointed, as it is creditable to the appointers. Another honour was lately conferred on the Doctor, in his being elected to the important trust of Attending Physician to the Montreal General Hospital. These appointments become the more gratifying as having been entirely unsolicited on the part of the Doctor. I am happy in being able to inform you, at the same time, of the election of M. Samuel David, Esq., to the office of Clerk of the Court of St. Johns, C. E. This nomination will be regarded with great satisfaction by all who have the pleasure of Mr. David's acquaintance, his gentlemanly and urbane deportment justly recommending him to the esteem of all; but it will be regarded with additional satisfaction, as evincing the absence in the Canadian government of that illiberality and bigotry which would exclude the worthy from office, honour, or emolument, merely because of their religious convictions." We also learn that the members of the Montreal Natural History Society lately elected the Rev. Abm. de Sola a member of their body.

Pittsburg.—We learn from the public papers, that on the 3d of August the Israelites of Pittsburg consecrated a place of worship, the first in that part of Pennsylvania. The Rev. Mr. Sulzbach, late of Philadelphia, addressed the people in German; and Mr. S. Cohen, an Englishman, delivered an English address. But we have received no official account.

Correction.We stated in our July number that we recollected the formation of the society for the relief of the poor of Palestine, sixteen years ago, and that it was owing to the presence of Rabbi E. Zundell, then on a mission from that country. We now learn that we are correct only as far as the fact itself goes; but that the movement originated not with Mr. Zundell, but with the venerable Mr. [Israel Baer] Kursheedt, who deemed the presence of the messenger the most urgent cause to form a society, through which the coming of like individuals should in future be prevented, and that Mr. K. disapproved measurably of Mr. Z.'s proceedings, especially his taking gifts from non-Israelites. We make this statement with the greater cheerfulness, as we no not wish, even by implication, to do injustice to any man, much less to one whom we have known and honoured ever since the first week of our arrival in America, now full twenty-five years ago.