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B’nai Jeshurun Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society


The Second Annual Meeting of the above Society, took place on Sunday last, the 15th ult., at the residence of the Rev. Ansel Leo, Elm Street. The usual formalities being gone through, the President (Mrs. A. H. Lissak) requested the Secretary to read the Directresses’ Annual Report, which we publish in full.


Ladies, agreeably with law 8th, your Board of Directresses have prepared their second Annual Report of our Society, giving you the full particulars of its working during the past year, up to the present time, which they trust will meet with your entire satisfaction.

Your Board of Managers have much pleasure in informing you that the Society is in an improving condition. This time last year, we numbered sixty-one subscribers, this year we have sixty-three, and a hen it is taken into consideration, that during the past year the Society sustained a loss of no less than ten good members, (which your Board deeply deplore,) it must, nevertheless, be a source of gratification for you to know that we have gained twelve new subscribers this year, which gives an increase of two members over the number of last year.

The finances of the Society are highly satisfactory, for although a much larger amount of money, and a much greater distribution of clothing have benefited the poor this year than last, our Treasurer exhibits a much better balance, and the Society is in possession of a larger stock of goods not yet made up; this increase of means is to be mainly attributed to the Benefit Concert had last winter, which yielded a clear profit of $169.

Your Committee respectfully suggest to the members generally, the necessity of their using some personal exertion for the advantage of the Society, both in respect to obtaining new members, and punctually attending the Sewing Meetings, which meetings are held regularly every Wednesday. If the ladies will do this, your Committee feel assured that in their next year’s report, they will have the pleasure of announcing that our little Society has grown to twice its present size, and that its increased resources have enabled them to extend relief to the deserving poor of our nation.

The Report having been read and approved, the Treasurer’s account was produced, and read as follows:

Mrs. Z. Bernstein, in account with B’nai Jeshurun Ladies’ Hebrew Benevolent Society.



March, To Balance, $133.75
   " Subscriptions, 30.00
April,      " 29.55
June,      " 27.00
Sept.,      " 28.32
Dec., Interest 18.39
   " Subscriptions 33.20


March to Oct., By cash to poor, 833.50
April, Printing account, 16.00
August goods, 19.75
   "      " 46.93
Dec., Balance, 189.98
  Balance in the hands of the Treasurer, 183.98

The Treasurer’s account having been received with much satisfaction, a ballot for three Directresses took place, Mrs. Abrm. Levy and Mrs. Rebecca Levy being appointed Inspectors of Election. The following ladies were then unanimously elected Directresses for the ensuing year. Mrs. David Sampson, Mrs. Henry Leo, and Mrs. Lewis Lewis.

It is worthy of remark, that had not Mrs. David Roth positively re­fused to be nominated, the whole of the three Directresses whose term of office had expired, would have been unanimously re-elected. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the President, Mrs. Lissak, and the meeting adjourned.

At a subsequent meeting of the Directresses, the following officers were unanimously re-elected; Mrs. A. H. Lissak, President; Mrs. David Sampson, Vice President; Mrs. Z. Bernstein, Treasurer ; Rev. Ansel Leo, Hon. Secretary.