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Philadelphia. The German Ladies’ Society gave a ball, for the benefit of their funds, on the evening of the 13th of February, which was well-attended by a numerous company of both Jews and others. It was, as usual with all the Hebrew balls heretofore given, well-conducted, and we doubt not but that the managers gave universal satisfaction. We regret not having a list of them at our command, or else we would have given credit, when it is so well deserved. The net proceeds, we learn unofficially, were about 575 dollars, seventy-five of which were handed over to the Ladies’ Sewing Society, a sister institution which deserves all the encouragement possible.—Since our last, some progress has been made by the committee of school-directors <<617>>of the Education Society with the preliminary arrangements, and it is now hoped that a school will be opened on or about the first of April next, with one Hebrew and one English teacher, in central locality and the committee is prepared to engage assistants, whenever the number of scholars should demand it. We recommend the project heartily to our readers, both in Philadelphia and elsewhere, for upon its success depends, in a great measure, the farther progress of religious education among American Israelites.

New York. The building of the Synagogue of B’nai Jeshurun congregation, we hear, is to be prosecuted forthwith,  and we have no doubt but that it will be an ornamental structure, and be creditable to the taste of the projectors and the liberality of the people who intend worshipping in it. We have not yet heard a time fixed, when it will probably be completed.—The Rev. (Mr. Isaacs left for England, on the packet of 12th of February; he is expected to return in about two months. congregation liberally presented him with a sum sufficient to pay the expenses of his voyage, and many were at the place of his departure to take leave of their pastor. Such an evidence of sincere attachment for their minister is highly creditable both to the people and the object on whom it is bestowed; and, while we cheerfully acknowledge that Mr. Isaacs is highly conciliatory in his manner, as well as kind in his acts, still we would hold up the treatment he meets with from his congregation to the imitation of other public bodies to their pastors, as it often depends on the people, whether the latter are happy in their calling, and energetic in their acts of duty, more than is generally imagined.—We wish Mr. Isaacs a happy return to his flock.

Easton, Pennsylvania. We learn that a new congregation has been formed in this flourishing town, under the name of “lmmanuel;” Mr. Michael Putzel is the President. The consecration of the Synagogue is to take place on the Sabbath before the Passover. They desire to engage a competent person as minister, to whom, for the place, a liberal salary will be allowed. (See advertisement.)   .

Montgomery, Alabama. At the last election, the following gentlemen were chosen, for the current year, officers of the congregation: Henry White, President; M. L. Gerson, Vice-President; Emanuel Lehman, Secretary; Henry Lehman, Treasurer; G. Myer and H. Isaac, Trustees.

Mobile, Ala. We have seen several letters, in which we find the gratifying statement that, the people of Mobile are about taking active <<618>>steps to insure the speedy erection of a handsome place of worship; and that, when they have succeeded in this, they mean to look out for a minister every way qualified to teach and exhort them, and to point out to them the way they should go. We hope they may realize their hopes in both the erection of the house of prayer and the obtainment of an individual who may be truly to them a friend and shepherd, who will lead them safely, under the guidance of the Guardian of Israel.

New Orleans. Since the commencement of building the new German Synagogue, the congregation, until lately, worshipped in the large dining-room of the St. Louis Hotel. After the destruction of the St. Charles, the proprietors rented the other, which had been unoccupied for several years; wherefore the congregation were requested to vacate it, which they of course did, without delay, under existing circumstances. But, as their Synagogue was not yet finished, the Sephardim invited them to assemble with them in their place of Worship; and not alone this, but Mr. Gutheim was invited to preach on the 1st. ult. by Mr. Nathan. Mr. G. acquitted himself, as we hear, to the satisfaction of the audience, composed of persons of both sexes of both congregations. We trust that this cordiality may long prevail, ands that all Israelites at New Orleans may only strive to excel each other in doing good, and to serve the cause of our God and people.—The Consecration of the new Synagogue, probably, took place on the 19th of February, but we have of course not received the particulars while preparing this for the press.

Kingston, Jamaica. The National School, under the direction of Mr. Benj. A. Franklin, now taught by Mrs. Pyke and M. Delavante, was continued open during the whole time that the cholera raged so fearfully in that city; and only one child, of the numerous scholars, fell a victim to the pestilence. This institution was the only one which was steadily kept open during the epidemic. It is desired to engage a competent unmarried man, of about 25 years of age, as head-master of school, with a salary of from 150 to 200 pounds sterling per annum, with free lodging superadded. Should the party also be competent to act as assistant minister, either for the Portuguese or German Synagogue, he would no doubt, as Mr. Franklin writes to us, be chosen: as both congregations are desirous of engaging one. We make the matter public in our Magazine, as the readiest manner of serving the directors of the school, as, doubtless, those who see this, and think themselves capable, will apply to the President, Mr. B. A. Franklin, Kingston, Jamaica.

. We have received a communication from the respected Secretary of the Bnai Israel Congregation of Cincinnati, which says “We have purchased the ground adjoining our present Synagogue; and our lot is worth 20,000 dollars, which you will see is a vast sum to raise for the purpose. Now we have to raise the means of building; an appeal will be made to our brethren through the States, so soon as our plans are fully matured. We propose to begin this spring, and require 25,000 dollars to finish the building, schools, &c., to be attached to the edifice, which is to be ninety feet square. It is absolutely necessary for us to build, to accommodate the increased and increasing multitude around us, though we find much difficulty in our proposed object.” It will be seen that the new structure is not a matter of luxury, but one of necessity, with our Cincinnati  friends; we trust, therefore, that when they make their appeal, they may be liberally answered by those having the means to aid them. But should the response not be what our friends expect, we would still advise them to proceed with their inten­tions; for, if they even should incur a considerable indebtedness, they will, with a little prudent management, be soon able to extricate them­selves from any temporary difficulty thus caused, and in a very few years they would have the building cleared from any incumbrance. At the same time, we advise them too to engage, without delay, a person who will be able to give them public religious instruction; the salary would not be a heavy burden on them, as experience will soon teach them.

Chicago. We learn that the new Synagogue will probably be completed early in May, when it is proposed to consecrate it. The Rev. Mr. Isaacs has been asked to preach on the occasion, and we are in­formed that he has accepted the invitation.

Congregation Bnai Jeshurun of New York. Postscript. After we had prepared nearly the whole of this number for press, we received an invitation to be present at the laying of the corner-stone of the Syna­gogue of this congregation in Green Street, on Tuesday afternoon, the 25th of February. The ceremony of the laying of the stone was to have been performed by the President, Mr. Abraham Mitchell ; Rev. Dr. Raphall was to peach a sermon, and the Rev. Ansel Leo was to conduct the religious exercises in Hebrew. We hope that this structure will soon be ready to receive the worshippers; as it is, among others, an evidence that Judaism is progressing in this country.