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The Hebrew Education Society of Philadelphia have since our last made farther progress in their organization, and have elected on March 2d, as their English teacher, Miss Evelyn Bomeisler, who has for several years acted in that capacity with distinction and credit, in one of the principal public schools. The appointment was entirely unsolicited on her part, and it required the persuasion of several members of the committee to induce her to assume the task, knowing as she did the difficulties of training the youthful mind properly, especially as the religious education is to be mixed up with the instruction in worldly things. But at length her hesitation was overcome, and she relinquished a post which was highly honourable to one who numbers <<57>> yet so few years, to join her labours with others for the furtherance of the interests of our faith. We trust that she will never have cause to regret this step, and that all Israelites here will encourage the enterprise in which the Society is engaged. Mr. Michael M. Allen was at the same time chosen Hebrew teacher, and the uniform good conduct of this young gentleman gives us every hope that he will not omit anything to promote the welfare of the school. We must not omit noticing the happy circumstance that both our teachers are natives of this city, and we are truly pleased to be able to chronicle that the first regular school established here has been able to call to the good work two persons born within the vicinity where their labours are required. We hail it as the surest evidence of progress among us. It is the inten­tion of the committee to commence the school, unless prevented by the backward state of the necessary preparations, on the 7th of April, and we have been honoured with the task of delivering the opening address on the day previous, and we trust that all may proceed as now designed. We cannot avoid stating that the members of the board and the various committees, having the business in charge, have proceeded harmoniously and energetically ever since there was a prospect of making a beginning, and at the frequent meetings required, a remarkable punctuality in attending has been Witnessed, and it must not be forgotten that nearly all the members are business men, with whom time is precious. So good a beginning ought to be followed by a good result, and we trust that we shall be able to report, in future numbers of our Magazine, that this has been achieved.        

New York.—On the 23d of March, about midnight, Major Mordecai M. Noah departed this life in his sixty-sixth year. His life has been a remarkably chequered one, having filled many public stations, and been distinguished as an editor of several papers during his busy career. But we cannot venture to give an extended notice of his life, as we lack the materials to do him justice. We had hoped to receive a full account from his family in time for this number, but we have been disappointed; but still we look forward to obtain such a one for a later period, and it is not likely that this worthy Israelite will be soon forgotten, or that the interest in the details of his life will be diminished by a little delay.

Mobile.—We learn that the lot on which the Synagogue is to be built has been purchased, and no doubt speedy steps will be taken to proceed with the structure.

New Orleans.—The consecration of the Synagogue Shangaray <<58>>Chased took place on Wednesday the 5th of March, with proper solemnities. Rev. M. N. Nathan of the Portuguese congregation assisted the minister, Mr. Gutheim, and we learn that the latter enchained the close attention of the audience by a masterly discourse which occupied about an hour. The service consisted as usual of verses selected from the Scriptures, chiefly the Psalms, suitable to the occasion; the blessing “Sheheheyahnu,” a prayer “Shemang Yisrael,” as is usual among the Germans, after which were recited Psalms lxxxiv. and xxiv., followed by ובנחה יאמר, when two verses from the subjoined hymn were sung.



Thou All in All—Universal Lord!
There is no treasure man can hoard
That is not thine! Then how can we
Presume to offer aught to thee?

‘Tis but withpure and earnest lays
We God can thank, and sound his praise.


Thanks to thee, O Lord! we render,
Let thy grace accept our lay;
Words are all we now can tender,
All the homage man can pay.


This temple to thy hallowed name
Is raised, thy glory to proclaim;
Here we for sins forgiveness crave,
Our hearts from secret pangs to save,
And here thy sons, in sacred phrase,
Will thank thee, Lord, and sound thy praise.


Thanks to thee O Lord! &c.

Vouchsafe this house thy kind regard,
And to our prayers incline thine ear;
O let its founders meet reward,
And blessings its supporters cheer.
Thus filled with joy; they, all their days,
Will thank thee, Lord, and sound thy praise.


Thanks to thee, O Lord! &c.


Grant that Israel soon may see
Jerusalem to its site restored;
When all men’s hearts from sin set free,
And nations all with one accord
Will chant thy name in sacred phrase,
And thank thee, Lord, and sound thy praise.


Thanks to thee O Lord! &c.

Next succeeded the sermon, followed by Psalm cl., benediction, and finale by the orchestra. We regret not having received a more detailed account, which we needs must ascribe, we suppose, to the modesty of the parties interested, being unwilling to speak of their own exertions. At all events we rejoice that the new Synagogue is completed, and that the people have another place where they can assemble and praise the Lord.

The New Orleans Hebrew Benevolent Association gave a ball on Purim evening, which we doubt not was all that was expected of it, to judge from the preparations made. We are also pleased to observe the kindly feeling expressed by the various papers sent us towards our brethren in the South, and we sincerely hope that both as men and Israelites they may always deserve the love and confidence of their fellow-citizens.

Charleston.—We learn with pleasure, from a reliable source, that the Rev. Julius Eckman makes many and blessed exertions to restore religion to its former orthodox standard among his flock. Our sincere wishes are with him, that he may indeed succeed in implanting a greater desire for religious conformity, and in drawing the hearts of many to the service of the Lord our God.

The Thirteenth Annual Examination of the Hebrew Sunday School of Philadelphia took place in the Portuguese Synagogue, Cherry Street, on Sunday, the 30th of March. The exercises were of the usual nature, and the number of scholars about the average of the last several years, to wit, about one hundred and forty. The examination passed off quite creditably, and added another testimony of the usefulness <<60>>of an institution where the children can weekly obtain wholesome instruction in religious truth. The superintendent presented the following report which was read by Mr. A. Finzi, the acting Hazan of the congregation Mikve Israel:

“On the thirteenth anniversary of the Sunday School the superintendent has the satisfaction still to speak of encouragement and co-operation amongst congregations of Israelites in this city, of continued aid and faithful service from teachers of intelligence and affectionate deportment in pupils, and of generous contributions from patrons. In pursuing this “labour of love” her heart warms to the cause which, being blest by the Father of mercies, she doubts not will grow and prosper to the latest time. The more his words are studied and known, the more generally will they be heeded and obeyed; every mother in Israel will teach them diligently to her children, “speaking of them when they lie down and when they rise up;” and the daily habit of loving God and keeping his commandments will accompany and cheer them through the rugged path of life, ever giving strength to endure and gratitude to enjoy the destiny marked out by Superior Wisdom. We are taught that religion should be our every-day garment, should cover us when we sleep, and when we awake go with us wherever we go, teaching us to trust stead fast on that watchful Providence which shapes our course. ‘For it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.’

“In the accompanying account of receipts and expenditures it will be seen that efforts are making to create a permanent fund which it is hoped in a few years may become sufficient to secure the permanency of the school, should it fall into less zealous hands, or on times of difficulties which might check the generous impulses to which it owes its origin.

“Many of the present teachers are former pupils in the school; from the same source others will rise to take their turn, when the present generation passes away, or are called to other duties. May the Guardian of Israel still be nigh to rectify their ways and grant them peace.”

The receipts were, Balance, March 1850, $28.53; amount deposited with the Pennsylvania Company, $100; amount received from contributions at the examination, $88.02; received for books sold, $39.07; interest on $1000 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. stock, $47.50; interest on deposit, $9.63; total, $312.75. The expenditures were, Paid for books and refreshments in 1850, $52.58; for one year’s rent of school room, $50; for books and refreshments 1851, $37.78 balance deposited at Pennsylvania Company, $172.39: total, $312.75.

A collection was as usual taken up during the course of the morning, the result of which we have not heard. Several scholars recited selected pieces, and one delivered a well-written valedictory address, his own composition, and spoken from memory. It had more than the average merit of such productions, and we trust that it is an earnest of what this young Israelite will be able to do and also accomplish when he advances in life.