The American Revolution, which heretofore constituted the Alpha and Omega of our
national reminiscences, will, in the future, occupy a secondary position in our annals,
and either lose its original historic significance, through the fatal issue of the present
crisis, or, what we indeed hope may be the case, its glories will be dimmed by the still
more glorious records of patriotism, heroism, and success in the suppression of this
Rebellion. The Revolution accomplished little more than the overthrow of European
influence and dominion over these states, and although the patriots who took the lead in
that gigantic struggle, were anxious to consolidate the independent colonies into one
powerful nation, an object which they attempted to accomplish by our Union and
Constitution, yet the people in general, and especially the Barons of the South, have
never divested themselves of the impression that their political connection could be
broken off at pleasure, and that a mere vote of the State Legislature would suffice to
convert their countrymen into foreigners, and their government into a rival. Arguments
having failed to convince them of the wickedness and folly of carrying these theories into
effect, we have, at last, been compelled to appeal to our arms, and on our success in the
field, now depends the life, the perpetuity, the independence of the American nation.
The great issues dependent of this conflict, will give a prominent place in History to
all those who are now directing the affairs of the nation, and either cover them with
glory, or disgrace them in the eyes of posterity, in the same proportion as success or
failure will result from their plans and efforts. Foremost among these, is of course, the
President, Abraham Lincoln, held forth on the one side as the cause of the Rebellion, and
on the other as the champion of constitutional government, but in reality representing
before his election, nothing more than the principles of a majority in the free states on
the subject of slavery, though, after having been constitutionally elected, all loyal
citizens of other parties, as well as of his own, look upon him as the chief magistrate of
the Republic, whose authority could not be questioned without giving a deathblow to the
Union and Constitution. Having been raised by the whims of fortune from the humble
position of a country lawyer, to the most exalted office it is in the power of the
American nation to confer, he no sooner hears the gladdening news of his election, than
the diabolical spirit of discord and disunion, overshadowing the land, dispels from his
mind the pleasing anticipations of a peaceful and harmonious administration. Before he is
enabled to wield the power of the government, he sees the national difficulties encouraged
and aggravated by a traitorous administration, a rebel government, obeyed by seven states,
and enlisting the sympathies of five others,-- forts and national vessels freely given up,
mints and other public property appropriated by lawless politicians; and when at last, he
sets out to assume the reins of government, the assassin's knife is whetted to slay him,
whilst a rebel force are lurking in Virginia to seize the capital. Under all these trying
circumstances, which a coward would have met with humiliating concessions, and a villain
with duplicity or treachery, Mr. Lincoln's conduct, as well as professions, has been
uniformly, and invariably straightforward, exhibiting on all occasions, an unwavering
honesty of purpose, an integrity, earnestness and patriotic devotion, as well as moral
courage and firmness, which no failure can ever tarnish nor reverses obliterate from the
records of History. His political opponents admit this, and his friends claim nothing more
for him. Like King Saul of old, he is head and shoulders taller than his brethren, so that
he has actually to stoop when he enters into conversation with ordinary mortals, and it is
this, more than his figure, that gives him such an awkward appearance. He is by no means a
bad-looking man, nor is his hair uncombed, nor his dress disorderly, as most people seem
to infer from the wretched pictures exhibited in the stories. Whether you meet him taking
his morning walk, or at a levee, you will always find him neat, civil, and, --if common
report be true-- always ready for a joke. Those that have known him in his social
relations, speak of him as a kind father, a too indulgent husband, and a sincere friend.
Although in the eye of the law, the President is the chief of the nation, yet virtually
at the present moment the real power of the commonwealth rests with the son of a
Philadelphia surgeon, George B. McClellan, on whose sword, more than on the wisdom of
Congress, depends the triumph of our government, and in whom the hopes of this nation are
concentrated, with the confident expectation, that they will not be disappointed.
Brady's photograph of the general, with which every one is familiar, so little
represents his figure and features, that some people feel inclined to believe that the
artist must have got his sketches mixed, and put his name on the wrong picture. The common
prints giving an outline of his head and shoulders, afford a more correct idea of his
general appearance. He is a very short, a very broad, and a very round young man, about 35
years of age, with brown hair, sandy moustache, sharp features, a prominent nose and blue
eyes. His countenance and forehead clearly indicate a man of great energy, great
perseverance, great firmness and great courage, but there is nothing of that poetic fire
in his eye that characterizes the man of genius. His perceptive and analytical faculties,
are, according to phrenologists, strongly developed, and any ordinary observer could
easily discover that he has a good head for mathematics. As a general, he will never
manifest that genius which inspires a heroic confidence into an undisciplined army, or, by
bold and dashing movements, overruns the enemy, and renders his troops a terror to the
foe, but his success will consist in ingenious combinations, and in the wise application
of well tested rules. He may prove himself a Wellington, he will never be a Napoleon, and
if the final triumph is to stand in the same relation as his talents, we have no reason to
regret his appointment to the command of our forces. There was a time, when the now
hostile generals were intimate friends, and McClellan had conceived such a high opinion of
the genius of the rebel general, Gustavus Smith, that he paid the greatest deference to
his views; but military men were always of a different opinion, for they all agreed then,
as they do now, that there was no man in this country, with a sounder military head, nor
one who, in the present emergency, could be so safely entrusted with the conduct of this
war. That his experience in Mexico, and in the Crimea has not been lost on him, his short
but brilliant campaign in Western Virginia abundantly proves, nor will his command of the
Army of the Potomac appear less satisfactory to those who know in what terrible condition
he found it. Few people are aware that some nights after the disastrous battle of
Manassas, three hundred rebel soldiers came within pistol shot of Washington, and could
have captured Fort Runyon without opposition, as our forces had to guard other important
posts, nor would it have been difficult for an army of ten thousand men to capture the
capital. Now, thanks to his efforts, we have a large and well disciplined force, not only
sufficient for the defence of this city, but eager for forward movements. The time for
such an advance has not yet arrives, it being a general's plan to cut off the enemy's
supplies from his rear, and then to make a bold attack in front. One fine morning we shall
get up, and hear that the enemy, in anticipation of such a movement, has fallen back from
Manassas, and perhaps removed their capital from Richmond to some other nest.
Next to McClellan, no one has of late been such an object of curiosity in this city as
Senator, now General Lane, of Kansas. He is a wiry gentleman, about 50 years of age, with
rigid features, slight moustache and fiery eyes. He professed to know very little of
military science, but he does profess to understand how this war is to be carried on, and
has accordingly applied and received permission from the government to raise a few
thousand troops to act independently of the other generals. Without troubling himself
about his military technicalities as "base of operations," "protecting the
rear" etc., he will go straight into the heart of the enemy's country, and in a few
months we will undertake to take Charleston, New Orleans, or any other place that may be
most acceptable to the public. He makes no promises, nor does he say how he is going to do
his work; but he makes no secret of the fact that he is going to work on a different
system from that pursued hitherto by our military men. "His movements will not be
retarded by the delay of an express wagon laden with quinine, we will not employ more than
a week in court martialing a man for using one ounce more cotton than wool in the
manufacture of a hundred shirts for the army, he will not check ten thousand Federal
troops in their march, for the purpose of praying over a dead rebel; he will not order his
men to select a particular spot on each rebel soldier's body, that they may kill him
without hurting him; he will not allow a soldier to desert more than seventeen times
before beginning to suspect his loyalty, we will not enter into any metaphysical
disquisition to find a reason why all property in the South as is directly employed in aid
of the rebellion should be confiscated." This is Jim Lane's programme, and depend
upon it, he will prove himself the Garibaldi of the war.