Military Hospitals |
Three Hospitals in: | Alexandria | 537 |
Union Hospital | Georgetown | 157 |
Seminary | " | 127 |
Columbia College | Washington | 162 |
Circle | " | 89 |
Kalorama | " | 77 |
Patent Office | " | 80 |
St. Elizabeth | " | 102 |
Vander Worken | " | 61 |
Fifth District School | " | 10 |
Total | 1402 |
The genius, that presides over the extensive establishments, is the well-known Miss
Dix, an old lady, about 60 or 65 years of age, whose pleasant countenance still bears
signs of youthful beauty, and who, notwithstanding her advanced age, has still all the
enthusiasm and energy of youth. For many years, she has been devoted to the care of the
sick and infirm. At the time that Florence Nightingale was looking after the welfare of
the soldiers in the Crimea, she had already established Asylums for the insane in Russia
and Turkey. You can soon see that she is accustomed to this sort of work, by the way she
goes from bed to bed, asking every patient how he feels, and speaking to each words of
encouragement, now giving directions to the nurses, then giving her orders to the male
assistants, but always dignified, kind, and self-possessed.
Many of those ladies, who so willingly obey her orders, are of wealthy families, all of them are well educated, and I have heard one speaking to the American, French, and German soldiers, with great fluency in their native tongues. Government must certainly appreciate their services, for they receive forty cents (!) a day, out of which they have to provide themselves with board, lodging, etc. so that a private may be said to have a most liberal income in comparison, but this very meanness in their pay has had an excellent effect, for it has rendered the office of nurse too unprofitable for the mercenary, and made room for the patriotic and philanthropic. These ladies, occupying, as they do, honorable positions in their own States and cities, naturally draw round them all the distinguished ladies and gentlemen from their homes, who happen to be in this city, but the duties in the Hospitals engross so much of their attention, that they have little time left for receiving at their private residences, their many polite and kind acquaintances. Yet, with that tact which distinguishes the true lady, they manage to attend to old as well as new friends, by holding occasionally receptions, which, it is true, are very rare, and at long intervals, but, nevertheless, the most pleasant soirees that are at present given in this city. Formerly, there was no lack of parties in the metropolis during session of Congress, but as the Southern ladies and gentlemen were the leading spirits of those entertainments, it is not surprising that with their secession, those fashionable meetings should have seceded too, and nothing left to supply their place beyond the levees and receptions of the President, the Speaker of the House, and Secretary Smith. These levees are, however, by no means edifying, especially those at the White House, which every one can attend, and no difference is made in the admission of well-dressed ladies, and unshaved laborers, all of whom can shake hands with the President, and promenade through the splendid suite of rooms. Although this equality is, in the abstract, a sublime idea, yet, from the many rough customers now in this city, it becomes positively a nuisance to a lady to pass through such a crowd, and, consequently, few ladies at present attend them, -- which has probably induced Mrs. Lincoln to give a party to a select circle of distinguished citizens, thus affording the ladies an opportunity to enjoy her hospitality. Of course, the secessionists residing in this city do not mix among those classes, but have certain hole-and-corner meetings of their own, the wreck of former Southern society, which, according to all accounts, must be of a very peculiar character indeed.
I have, of course, no chance of being admitted to these rebel circles, as a pair of loyal epaulettes are an abomination in their eyes, and my taste also leads me into a very different direction; but it is said, that they have stated receptions known to their sympathizers only, on which occasions, spies, rebels et id genus omne pass their time in getting up false reports about the administration and the army, and some of their wits actually pour forth their sentiments in strains of poetry. But such poetry! At the risk of shaking your nerves, I will give you a specimen of those effusions, lauded by them as a masterpiece of composition:
The Yankees wished to make men loyal,
A fleet would send to old Port Royal,
But when arrived, to their regret,
Found none but niggers and a drunkard left.
It appears to me, Mr. Secesh, that one important item has been forgotten by you, and that is: why they left? Perhaps, Mr. Poet, you will remember that they flew like hares before our guns. But if the loyal readers of this paper believe, that the above specimen is the worst production, let them digest, if they can, the following lines:--
Uncle Sam got in a fight,
Lincoln got the measles,
Richmond is not taken yet,
Pop goes the weasel!
But "to return to our muttons," as the French say. The receptions given by
some of the ladies, who officiate as nurses, are, decidedly the most pleasant given in
this city. Besides a brilliant assemblage of military men, an unusual spectacle in this
country, there are generally some distinguished Union gentlemen from the South, who are
the lions of the evening. Among these, I felt most interested in Andrew Johnson of
Tennessee, a man with a frank and open countenance, a brilliant eye, and pleasing address,
whose daring advocacy of the Government in the midst of the rebel States, proves him to be
a man with a leonine spirit, such as is rarely to be met with in this age of materialism.
His account of the sufferings he has undergone, and those still inflicted on his relatives
in Tennessee, on account of their loyalty, is quite heartrending, and enlist in his behalf
the most lively sympathies of all good citizens. Another great favorite, whom I was
delighted to meet, was the well-known Editor of the Louisville Journal, George D.
Prentice, who has done as much as any other man to save Kentucky from the vortex of
disloyalty. The first impression he made on me was, by no means favorable. He looks
sleepy, and talks lazily, as if he were of a dull temperament, but, by degrees his
countenance begins to show that pleasant expression with which he is generally represented
in the pictures exhibited in the stores, he pours forth witty sayings and humorous
remarks, so that you can no longer doubt that he is indeed, the man who contributes weekly
a column of "wit and humor," to the pages of the Ledger, who fills his own
journal daily with pithy sentences, and, whose good sayings are repeated as
"Prentice-anea." The South, however, cannot even claim him as a genius form on
their soil, for he told me himself that he is a native of Connecticut. Our hostess was
relating to him the case of an officer who had been admitted that day to the Hospital, and
after having mentioned the circumstances under which he was wounded, she described it as
having been "a terrible accident!" "No," replied he, "no accident
can be terrible, that brought him into your hands." I agree with him, and should not
be surprised, if, at the next battle, every officer will manage to get wounded.