Vol. X. No.
3 Sivan 5612 June 1852 |
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He was surrounded by the members of his family, who were in New York, except one, we think, who could not reach home in time, so suddenly at length came the summons which had been so long expected, as he was, apparently, not worse that day than many times before; and there were present, besides, the Rev. S. M. Isaacs, whom he had requested to superintend his interment, and Rev. Dr. Raphall, for whom the deceased entertained a high sense of regard. The former gentleman commenced the prayers for the dying, to which Mr. K. responded whilst his power so to do lasted; and when this was so no longer, his gestures proved that he joined in and felt the force and sublimity of the words by which Israelites testify to the last their faith and attachment to the ever blessed Father, who has chosen them for his witnesses on earth. And so he fell asleep, blessing his children with his last power of speech, and adoring God with the latest flickering of earthly life which <<163>> had been assigned to him, an end fitting for the righteous, and of which all may say, “May mine be like his.” On Sunday morning his remains
were carried to their resting-place in the Cemetery
of the Portuguese congregation, on Long Island, in
full view of the The Doctor dwelt on the learning and good deeds of the departed, and said that he had discharged his duties as a man and Israelite, and argued hence, that of him we may apply the words of Solomon, “Better is the day of death than that of birth,” for the first is the crown of our existence, whilst the last opens to us a career where our spiritual happiness may be shipwrecked through our abandoning ourselves to sin and transgression. These ideas were fully illustrated in the address of the eloquent Divine, which failed not to leave a due impression on the numerous hearers who were assembled to listen to the expected panegyric of a departed friend. Mr. Kursheedt was one of the oldest acquaintances we had in America, as we met him on the first day of our arrival at Richmond, the 5th of May, ‘24, and we reached New York the afternoon of his decease, and <<164>> only the report, which was current, that he was no worse than usual, prevented us from joining the family at the moment of his death. We always regarded him in the light of a religious teacher, and in former years, when any grave question of controversy occurred, we used to consult him, and adopted his decisions as “the word of judgment” for our guidance, as he had been a scholar in the Yeshibah of the celebrated Rabbi Nathan Adler, of Frankford on Main, and a fellow-student of the late Abraham Bing, Rabbi of Würzburg (one of the most erudite Talmudists of the present century, who, in his turn, has sent forth many able scholars), and the great Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim, so famous for having been the editor, translator, and printer of the very best editions of the German Prayer Books, the Pentateuch, and Psalms, and the author of several commentaries and other works, leaving an honourable and enduring name among Israel. We remember hearing Mr. K. relate that Mr. Heidenheim was not as distinguished for acumen in casuistic studies as several others, especially Mr. Bing; but that he showed early a fondness for research in ancient MSS. and critical and grammatical works, which he afterwards used to so great advantage in the cause of sacred literature, and thereby opened a field of easy cultivation scarcely less fruitful than that first developed by Mendelssohn and Wessely. As may be expected, the scholar and companion of such men, could not have been otherwise than well instructed in the religion of our fathers; and hence, Mr. Kursheedt was for many years, before the arrival of others bearing rabbinical diplomas, regarded by nearly all the Israelites of the country as reliable authority, although he never occupied any public functions, being for a great portion of the time since his arrival in Boston, in 1796, engaged in commercial pursuits. Notwithstanding this, Mr. K. was, we believe, the first in the country who delivered a course of religious lectures in the Elm Street Synagogue when it was first established, and whenever called upon he was ready to take his part in religious ceremonies and give decisions when required. From a sketch in the Asmonean of May 7th, which we understood to have been furnished by Dr. Raphall, it appears that Mr. K. was born at Singhafen, on the Rhine, on the 4th day of Passover, 5526 (6th of April, 1766). He early lost his father, whereupon his mother removed to the village named Kursheidt, near Königswinter, from which circumstance, as was formerly often done by Germans who had no family name, he took, as a surname, the title of Kursheedt, in addition to that of Israel Bear, as he was originally called. His friends, discovering in him mental powers of no common order, sent him to the rabbinical <<165>> college mentioned above, and he was, perhaps, the last survivor of that glorious band who enjoyed the instruction of the truly wise and pious Nathan Adler. He remained at Frankfort till the breaking out of the French war, when the city’s being occupied by General Custine put a period to his studies, whereupon he turned his attention to commerce, and became a contractor to supply the Prussian army with provisions; but the peace of Basle having caused the Prussian army, on the Rhine, to be disbanded, his employment in this line ceased, and he resolved to repair to England. But at Mr. K. embarked in business in In 1824 he returned to About the year 1834, Mr. K.,
aided by others, established the Hebrath Terumath
Hakkodesh, or society for the relief of the poor of In 1840, when the dreadful
persecution at This, we believe, was the last time that Mr. K. appeared active before the public. Advancing age admonished him to enjoy the tranquility of his house; though he always took a deep interest in all that concerns Judaism. He often, when we met him, expressed his regret at the inroads unauthorized reforms were making in our ranks, and liberal as he was, and mild and even in temper, he expressed his indignation at the proceedings of some of our modern chiefs, in terms not to be misunderstood. It was, perhaps, owing to his retiring disposition, as much as to the small number for a long time able to appreciate his learning, that Mr. K. did not occupy a larger space in the estimation of the American Israelites; but, no doubt, had he been educated early in the general sciences, which in his youth were little esteemed among the Jews, we should have had from his pen many contributions to our literature. As it is, his influence was confined to a narrower circle; but it struck deep root there, and his children have not been idle spectators in the affairs of our people, and we find them contributing their share towards the public good, both in New York and New Orleans; and we trust that they will redouble their efforts to honour the memory of their father, and prove that the lessons they have received will fructify yet farther in the minds of others. We have as yet been able to procure but few details of Mr. K.’s life, <<167>> except the meagre details above, partly received from himself and partly from the contribution of Dr. Raphall; but we shall esteem it a favour if his relatives would supply us hereafter with any circumstances which they may call to mind. Though so strictly educated, and under such influences Mr. Kursheedt’s piety had no tinge of bigotry; we often thought him too indulgent, and not energetic enough in denouncing the wrong. Yet his example has worked effectually on his own household, where he has left the strong impressions of his own convictions. In prosperity he was not elated, and forgot not his Maker when wealth poured in upon him and he was successful in all he undertook; nor was he, on the other hand, depressed in adversity; and a change of circumstances which would have rendered common men melancholy and fretful, only sobered his spirit and made him more thoughtful and dependant on God’s mercy; and though, since perfection belongs not to man, he may occasionally have erred in not pursuing the proper course, we may freely conclude this brief, imperfect sketch of departed worth with “the memory of the righteous will be blessed:” and well would it be for us, if we had many among us who would walk as humbly with God, with as great a knowledge of His ways, as the late Israel B. Kursheedt, on whom be peace. We insert the subjoined proceedings of the German Congregation of New Orleans, which have been sent to us for publication : “Synagogue Chambers, Hebrew
Congregation Shanarai Chassed, “ “At a meeting of the above congregation, held on the 9th inst., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, and ordered to be spread on the minutes: “Whereas, This congregation have learned with deep regret of the demise of the venerable I. B. Kursheedt, of the city of New York; and, whereas, in the death of so good and pious a man,—one so talented in our faith, one so highly appreciated for his many virtues, deeds, and the founder of the leading Jewish Institutions of New York, the Israelites of America have lost an ornament and a true friend : “Be it resolved, That the members of the Congregation Shanarai Chassed, of New Orleans, assembled, hereby tender to the afflicted relatives of the deceased their sincere sorrow and condolence on the occasion of their sad deprivation. “Be it further resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions be transmitted to the relatives of the deceased, and further resolved, that the same be published in the Asmonean and Occident. “A true copy from the minutes: “ISAAC HART, Sec’y.” |