Vol. II, No. 4 Tamuz 5604, July 1844 |
Rev. Mr. Poznanski. |
Charleston, June 14th, 1844. Rev. Isaac Leeser. Dear Sir:—Accompanying this you will receive a copy of the Charleston Courier of this day’s date, containing the proceedings of a meeting of the members of the Hasell Street Synagogue; by inserting the same in the July number of the Occident, or, if too late, in the number following, you will much oblige, Yours respectfully, Charleston, June 14th, 1844. Rev. Isaac Leeser, Sir,—Enclosed is the proceedings of the congregation of K. K. B. Elohim, (Hasell Street Synagogue,) which you will please give a place to in your ensuing number, and much oblige many of your southern subscribers. Yours,
very respectfully, TO THE PUBLIC.“At a meeting of a large portion of the Hasell Street Congregation of Kaal Kadosh Beth Elohim, held at the Tabernacle, on the 12th instant, the President laid before the meeting a publication from the pen of the Rev. S. M. Isaacs, of the city of New York, addressed to the Rev. G. Poznanski; after the reading of which the following resolutions were submitted, and unanimously adopted: “Resolved, That this meeting highly appreciates the equanimity, kind feeling and sound judgment which have prompted our much-esteemed Pastor, the Rev. G. Poznanski, to bear with a forgiving spirit the persecution of some of our co-religionists, and to permit all controversial assaults upon him to pass without reply—a course which we think is well calculated to avert that painful excitement so much to be lamented. “Resolved, That we deem it due to truth and justice that the following proceedings be published to the world, from which it will be seen that on a former occasion and with a sole view to the restoration of harmony, the Rev. G. Poznanski resigned his situation as Minister, and that he was afterwards urgently solicited to resume his ministerial functions, to which solicitation he yielded his assent only on the condition that his services should be gratuitously rendered. Proceedings of July 1st, 1843.“ ‘At a meeting of the friends and congregators of the Rev. G. Poznanski, held at the residence of the President of the Congregation of Kaal Kadosh Beth Elohim, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: “ ‘Whereas, many of the congregators, worshippers at the Hasell Street Synagogue, have learned with deep regret the painful intelligence that their beloved and estimable Minister, the Rev. G. Poznanski, has been induced from high considerations of propriety, and the purest and best motives, to withdraw himself from the sacred discharge of his official duties, and while under the circumstances which have induced this step, they cannot but approve the course he has pursued, in thus peacefully removing himself from an angry and exciting contest, in which he is so deeply and personally concerned, they cannot withhold an expression of their feelings at this unhappy event. “ ‘Therefore Resolved, That in the resignation of the Rev. G Poznanski from the office he has filled with so much credit to himself and satisfaction to a large majority of his congregation, we have sustained the loss of a Minister, whose piety, learning, ability and private worth, have been unequalled by any of his predecessors. “ ‘ Resolved, That no Minister who has ever officiated for the Israelites of Charleston, has done so much, in our opinion, to advance the cause of true piety and devotion, to enlighten the congregation in the pure principles of Judaism, and to render the service of the Synagogue so acceptable to the heart and understanding. “ ‘ Resolved, That in the private character and deportment of the Rev. G. Poznanski, all his co-worshippers, but more particularly the youth of the Congregation, have an example to cherish worthy of their imitation. “ ‘Resolved, That in his retirement, he carries with him the warmest wishes of his friends, for that calmness of mind, that peace and tranquillity, he so richly deserves. “The following notice appeared in the Southern Patriot of the 17th November: Religious Notice!“
“ ‘By order of the Board of Trustees of Kaal Kadosh Beth Elohim. Columbus
Moise, Nov. 17, l843. “ The above proceedings having been read and adopted. It was then, on motion, unanimously “ Resolved, That the members now present still cherish with undiminished respect and affection, our pious, learned and excellent Minister, and trust and hope that he may be long spared to fill the station which he now occupies with such honour to himself, and in which his sacred labours promise such a rich harvest of good works among his followers.” Abraham
Ottolengui, President. |