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The Quo Warranto Case at Charleston.—This case was decided the latter part of April, but too late to be communicated in our last number. It resulted in ousting the members elected by the board without the presence of the presiding officer of the congregation. The question of the legality of the reform was not brought forward, and the depositions taken at Philadelphia, New York, and we believe London, were not even read. The effect of the decision is, that the friends of Mr. Poznanski have been left in the possession of the congregation property. The opponents of the organ intend, we believe, to appeal to the bench of judges, believing that there was an error in the charge of Judge Wardlaw, under whose direction the jury found a verdict in favour of the relators—We refer our readers to the account of the controversy in our Fourth Number of Vol. 1.

New Orleans. It is reported in New Orleans that the well-known wealthy Israelite, Judah Touro, Esq., intends giving a piece of ground for the building of a Synagogue, and a farther donation towards the building. This gentleman some years since behaved in so handsome a manner to a Christian congregation whose church was sold, that we have every confidence that he will now do the same to his Israelitish brothers in their hour of need.

Mobile. We are told from what we deem good authority that the congregation of Mobile intends adopting the Portuguese Minhag.

New York. The Rev. Mr. Isaacs delivered on the evening of the first day of Pentecost, Friday the 24th of May, an eloquent sermon on the text, "House of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of the Lord." It is represented as a powerful appeal to Israel to persevere in the path of duty marked out in the religion which we have received from the God of our fathers.

London. There is at length some probability of a speedy choice of a chief Rabbi. Candidates, who must be in office at the time of their application, are called upon to report their intention on or before the 31st of July, (15th of Ab), to the committee at the Great Synagogue Chambers, London. We trust that the important office will be speedily filled by a person in whom all the people will have full confidence, and that much good will result from his elevation.

Russian Ukase. It is now said that the enforcement of the decree against the Jews has been postponed for four years. But the accounts are so contradictory, that it is difficult to say, what the precise nature of the case is; it is probable, that before long some authentic information may be received.

Kingston. An examination of the scholars of the Beth Limud school took place on the 24th of March last. The number examined was about forty, consisting of children of both sexes. The accounts furnished us by the Jamaica papers represent the exercises as extremely interesting and as highly creditable to the managers, teacher and scholars. May it increase yet more and produce abundant fruit!

The First Fruits of the West, a monthly periodical edited by the Rev. M. N. Nathan, and Dr. Lewis Ashenheim, at Kingston. The two first numbers, those of February and March have reached us. We announce now, merely the appearance of the work, and hope to be able to give a more full account in our succeeding number.